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You are here: Portal Home > Knowledgebase > BRASSTAX FAQ > GENERAL > Does Brasstax dictate the order that the tax is done for each client i.e Must I start doing the Capital Allowance?

Does Brasstax dictate the order that the tax is done for each client i.e Must I start doing the Capital Allowance?

NO. Brasstax was originally designed to be a "worthy" replacement for the traditional spreadsheet system. Using a spreadsheet figures are automatically used to recalculate the tax. Brasstax does this, but goes further by linking the Anlaysis of Account, Tax Computation, Form C & R, Worksheets and Lampiran together. The Capital Allowance figures are then automatically included into the mix to complete the Tax Computation. This unique means that no matter where you start or make changes, Brasstax will ensure that all related documents are automatically updated.

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