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You are here: Portal Home > Knowledgebase > BRASSTAX FAQ > ASSET > What is the features that provided by Brasstax in Asset Module?

What is the features that provided by Brasstax in Asset Module?

The Brasstax Asset Module provides a full range of reports and functionality including Captial Allowance calculations. Below is the features that provided:
  1. Full support for unqualified assets which can be defined at the group, asset or capital allowance levels.
  2. Asset Reconcilation caters for both qualified and unqualified asset. It also provide for support assets where the tax treatment differs from the treatment in the P&L.
  3. Support for both Operational and Finance Leasing.
  4. Cross year of analysis for capital allowance claim.
  5. Visual indicators highlight the need for revision of capital allowance calculations and can be used as "to-do" lists to quickly acessed directly from the Form C.
  6. Asset can be fully or partially disposed.
  7. Asset can be fully or partially written off.
  8. Asset can be internaly transfered as part of Control Sales/Purchase.
  9. Reinvestment Allowance calculation.
  10. Common Asset calculation.

The Capital Allowance calculation support full range of cases including:
  1. Asset with restriction
  2. Clawback
  3. Own use
  4. Notional Allowance/Annual Allowance
  5. Finance Leasing
  6. Operational Leasing
  7. Accumulated Hire Purchase
  8. Year to Year Hire Purchase
  9. Accelerated Rate

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