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RELEASE BT DIRECT 2018 V2018.4.0.0

EA-Link System is pleased to announce the immediate availability of BT Direct 2018 v 2018.4.0.0

Installation instructions

NOTE: Before performing these instructions it is usually a good idea to perform a backup.  This can be done by using the Backup Facility under the HouseKeeping option in BRASSTAX:

1. Ensure that there are no users currently using BRASSTAX.

2. Press the Shutdown button on the BT DIRECT 2018 License Server (If the License server is not visible, please start the license server, and then press the shutdown button)

3. Run the BTDirect2018v4000Setup.exe

4. Once the Setup is complete, please restart the License server

5. You should now be able to restart each of your BTDIRECT 2018 Clients and the system should detect that the workstation needs to be updated.  If the detection does fails to occur, please run the BTDIRECT2018ClientSetup.exe from the workstation that is located on your server.


If you have problems installating the update please contact us on (03) 8689 0180. 



Changes to BT Direct 2018

Form B/BE


Allow to e-file for Form B/BE for YA2018 (under tax agent login only)

Form C


Business loss c/f amount that imported into BT Direct was included pioneer loss c/f 

1. There is deployment issue in loading the Form B/BE when the taxpayer recieved approved donation. We still try to find the best solution on this problem. Meanwhile, for those taxpayer that received approved donation, user need to login to TAEF and entered manually the approved donation amount  once the borang has been loaded into TAEF

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please click here to download the setup file.


The BrassTax Team

Monday, March 11, 2019

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